

Stage Information

“Main Stage” and “Satellite Stage”.

The following are planned. (in Japanese)


Main stage

Please check the Information Events section of the JARL page.


Satellite Stage

24 Aug(Sat)

10:50 (St.)
11:00 Tenko 2 satellite JAMSAT-developed transponders and other amateur radio services
11:30 DMR Digipeter Introduction
11:45 DX operational situation from Japan
12:15 Easy and enjoyable U-QRP operation ~1mW at 1/200 of the world
12:45 Contests Enjoyed with Easy Facilities
13:00 Real talk “Amateur Radio Girls Talk”
13:15 Enjoyment of overseas travel-type operations
13:45 (Break time.)
14:00 The winners of the Homebrew Contest
14:30 JAMSAT 2023 Comm and HF operations using QO-100 to Territory of Cocos
15:00 N5J Javis Island and FT8 SuperFox New Mode
15:30 JK1ZIP and experience station operations to develop digital talent
16:00 Let's lecture on the technical skills of Japanese amateur radio operators to kids
16:30 (Close.)


25 Aug(Sun)

10:50 (Pre.)
11:00 “QRV in front of station” to enjoy both radio and rail
11:15 Another Form of Apaman Ham Introduction of Remote Operation
11:45 8J4S,8J4N Relay Memorial Station to connect hearts with friends
12:15 The Potential of Community Radio
12:30 End of Life for Hams
13:00 FTR Series (Optical Comm Project)
13:30 FTR104 (Optical music transceiver)
14:00 SD Winners Presentation
YouTuber Introduction
14:30 | A shout out to newcomers and re-opening team
14:40 | Haruka
14:50 | Hobby likeable experiments, JH5MNL
15:00 (Close.)


  • 46th_stage_en.1722860835.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/08/05 21:27
  • by Tana JH1HST