

Stage Information

“Main Stage” and “Satellite Stage”.

The following are planned. (in Japanese)


Main stage

Please check the Information Events section of the JARL page.(in Japanese)


Satellite Stage

24 Aug(Sat)

10:50 (St.)
11:00 Tenko 2 satellite JAMSAT-developed transponders and other amateur radio services
11:30 DMR Digipeter Introduction
11:45 DX operational situation from Japan
12:15 Easy and enjoyable U-QRP operation ~1mW at 1/200 of the world
12:45 Contests Enjoyed with Easy Facilities
13:00 Real talk “Amateur Radio Girls Talk”
13:15 Enjoyment of overseas travel-type operations
13:45 (Break time.)
14:00 The winners of the Homebrew Contest
14:30 JAMSAT 2023 Comm and HF operations using QO-100 to Territory of Cocos
15:00 N5J Javis Island and FT8 SuperFox New Mode
15:30 JK1ZIP and experience station operations to develop digital talent
16:00 Let's lecture on the technical skills of Japanese amateur radio operators to kids
16:30 (Close.)


25 Aug(Sun)

10:50 (Pre.)
11:00 “QRV in front of station” to enjoy both radio and rail
11:15 Another Form of Apaman Ham Introduction of Remote Operation
11:45 8J4S,8J4N Relay Memorial Station to connect hearts with friends
12:15 The Potential of Community Radio
12:30 End of Life for Hams
13:00 FTR Series (Optical Comm Project)
13:30 FTR104 (Optical music transceiver)
14:00 SD Winners Presentation
14:30 YouTuber Introduction
15:00 (Close.)


  • 46th_stage_en.1722860930.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/08/05 21:28
  • by Tana JH1HST