
Notes for Exhibitors

We ask that those who wish to participate in the exhibition understand the purpose of the event, which is to introduce amateur radio(HAM-radio) to the general public by holding various events to promote the sound development of amateur radio(HAM-radio), improve the skills of HAM-radio operators, exchange information, and deepen mutual friendship. We ask that you understand the purpose of this HAM event, which is to introduce amateur radio to the general public. Please check the catchphrase once again.

【Changes from the previous】
・Pure exhibits, general exhibits, and clubs are unified, and all booth can now be sold goods, etc.
・3 types of booths prepared.
・Doors will close at 15:30 on the last day.(2nd day)
・The venue is GYM-EX.

The latest version of the exhibition participation guidelines can be found on the JARL website.(Mirror:第46回出展参加要項 in Japanese)
The following information is mainly for “Club Exhibitors”. For Manufacturers' Business Exhibitors, please refer to the latter half of the Exhibitor Participation Guidelines on book.


Aug 24th・25th 8:30 -


30 minutes after closing event period.

Aug 24th 17:30 Beginning of Exit 
AUg 25th 16:00 Beginning of Booth move out
  19:00 Done of Booth move out





  • アマチュア無線フェスティバルの開催趣旨と異なり、政治・宗教活動と見られるものやそれに準じるもの、公序良俗に反する場合は、出展は出来ません。
  • 同一とみなされるクラブが重複して2カ所以上に出展することはできません。
  • 出展される小間は、実行委員会の承認なしに変更、譲渡、貸与、共同使用等をすることはできません。
  • 食品等の販売は、食品の衛生管理上、実行委員会が承認した方以外はできません。


  • 46th_note_b_en.1719325314.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/06/25 23:21
  • by Tana JH1HST