


両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
side_en [2024/06/22 21:44] Tana JH1HSTside_en [2025/02/27 10:32] (現在) Tana JH1HST
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 <wrap column rightalign 90%> [ [[top|Back to Japanese]] ] </wrap> \\ <wrap column rightalign 90%> [ [[top|Back to Japanese]] ] </wrap> \\
 +====== The Amateur Radio Festival ; HAMFAIR ======
 For the Japanese parts/images that original, please use the translation camera tool on your smartphone or other tools. For the Japanese parts/images that original, please use the translation camera tool on your smartphone or other tools.
行 7: 行 10:
 ---- ----
-46th Hamfair \\+47th Hamfair (2025) \\ 
 +  * [[47th_ann_en|Event Information]] 
 + \\ 
 +46th Hamfair (2024) \\
   * [[46th_ann_en|Event Information]]   * [[46th_ann_en|Event Information]]
-  * [[46th_booth|Exhibit Booth Info (in Japanese)]]+  * [[46th_booth_en_google|Exhibit Booth Info (Translated this page by Google.)]]
   * [[46th_stage_en|Stage Information]]   * [[46th_stage_en|Stage Information]]
   * [[46th_mf_en|Workspace for Kids]]   * [[46th_mf_en|Workspace for Kids]]
行 15: 行 24:
   * [[46th_stamp_en|Stampsrally]]   * [[46th_stamp_en|Stampsrally]]
   * [[46th_8j1ham_en|8J1HAM]]   * [[46th_8j1ham_en|8J1HAM]]
-  * [[a_64thf_en|Feel Free Gallery]]+  * [[46th_eventlive|Live Stream (in Japanese)]] 
 +  * [[a_64thf|Free Gallery (in Japanese)]]
 +  * [[46th_ebparty_en|Eye-ball Party (First night party)]]
 ---- ----
行 22: 行 36:
   * [[46th_note_b_en|Notes for Exhibitors]]   * [[46th_note_b_en|Notes for Exhibitors]]
 +  * [[contact_en|Contact and Inq]]
 ---- ----
   * [[about_en|About Hamfair.jp]]   * [[about_en|About Hamfair.jp]]
-  * [[contact_en|Inq for this site]] 
   * [[pp_en|Privacy Policy]]   * [[pp_en|Privacy Policy]]
  • side_en.1719060265.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/06/22 21:44
  • by Tana JH1HST