

Exhibit Booth Info (Translated by Google)

Hall MAP


C-Club Corner | B-Business Corner | D-JAIA Corner

C-Club Corner

C-01 Cathode Tap
1. Research presentation on the application of digital signal processing technology using FPGAs, microcomputers, etc. to amateur radio, and distribution of assembly kits based on the results.
2. Exhibit on repair and maintenance (restoration) of high-quality radio equipment from the past, which can be said to be the culmination of analog circuit technology, as well as display and sale of the equipment itself and parts.
3. Display and sale of used measuring instruments useful for maintenance and adjustment of amateur radio equipment.
C-02 {Tokyo {Denki | Gakugei | Agricultural and Technical} | Hosei} University & NICT
・Introduction to the activities of 8J20NICT, the 20th anniversary commemorative station of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), and operation within the venue (including trial operation).
・Introduction to the activities of the radio clubs of Tokyo Denki University (including junior and senior high school) and Tokyo Gakugei University (including Hosei University and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), and distribution of materials.
・Sale of radio-related supplies from each club.
・Exhibition of club activities
・Free distribution of visitor commemorative calendars
C-04 National Financial Institutions Amateur Radio Club
Recruiting members for the National Financial Institutions Amateur Radio Club
Introduction to National Financial Institutions Amateur Radio Club activities
Public operation of National Financial Institutions Amateur Radio Club corporate station JS1YON
C-05 University of Tokyo Amateur Radio Club
・Distribution of our club magazine
・Awards ceremony for the AllJA1 Contest, a contest sponsored by our club
・Introduction to activities
・Exhibition and sale of club members' creations
C-06 3-area 6m AM roll call group
The Minami-Osaka A3 Roll Call, which started in 1980, has recently become a lively event with around 300 participants every week on 10 AM bands from 18MHz to 10.1GHz.
At the booth, we will distribute materials related to roll calls and AM, talk about the current situation and future prospects, sell electronic parts and kits, and hold temporary roll calls for the surrounding area.
C-07 Nippon Institute of Technology Radio Club
Club activity reports, merchandise sales
C-08 Two-letter call eyeballing event
We will be exhibiting as a place to meet with OMs of two-letter calls.
C-09 Abyukyo Studio
Original manga by manga artist Abyukyo (JH1EAF) on themes related to amateur radio, BCL, and radio, illustrated booklets, doujinshi, distribution of goods, as well as public operation of amateur radio and specific low-power radio and issuance of Ham Fair specification QSL cards.
C-10 Akihabara Radio Club / JS1YCP
This will be our 10th year participating in the exhibition.
・Exhibition and sale of original works, electronic work kits, doujinshi, etc.
・Exhibition of homemade equipment
・Promotion of Akihabara content, etc.
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Monacoin can be used. Let's learn using the latest communication technology “blockchain” ☆
We are also happy to discuss and exchange information about participating in hobby events other than Ham Fair (such as Comiket, SunCli, Maker Faire, Design Festa, Omoshiro Doujinshi Bazaar, etc.). Amateur radio is also a hobby, so let's participate in all-genre events where many hobbies gather and interact ☆
C-11 Akihabara Denpa Club
Distribution of club construction kits, sale of useful radio supplies and junk.
C-12 Facsimile Club
・Introduction and demonstration of HamFAXSendTool, software for amateur facsimile transmission
・Display of amateur facsimile-related equipment (XY scope, FFT analyzer, etc.)
・Display of amateur facsimile-related materials
C-13 Patapata Ham Club
・Display of activity reports
・Guide to the high-power license acquisition agency business
・Distribution of commemorative gifts
C-14 SOTA Japan Branch
・Explanation of SOTA rules and activities
・Mountain travel equipment and antenna display
・Sale of SOTA-related goods and novelties
C-15 Monthly FB NEWS
・WEB magazine Monthly FB PR for NEWS
・Monthly FB NEWS SNS follow campaign
・Distribution of novelty goods
・Sale of Masaco (JH1CBX) CDs and goods
C-16 Lithium-ion battery research group
Exhibition and sale of lithium-ion batteries and radio accessories used in amateur radio operation
C-17 Fuyo Kondankai Amateur Radio Club
・Introduction to activities of Fuyo Kondankai AMC
・Exhibition of homemade equipment and mobile operation
・As a place for members to gather
C-18 Radio Education Association Ham Club
・Introduction to club station activities
・Exhibition of various experiments (waveform observation using measuring equipment, etc.)
・Exhibition and sale of published books, measuring equipment, etc.
C-19 Meiji University Radio Frequency
Activity reports and research presentations by JA1YCL Meiji University Radio Frequency Research Club alumni stations
Introduction, consultation, and exhibition sales of overseas radio goods
C-21 Marine Science High School Amateur Radio Club
Introduction to the school and club activities
Sales of training products (planned)
C-22 USBIF4CW・Shonan Institute of Technology
Distribution and support of USBIF4CW, USBIF4CW Gen.3, Morse code shield for Arduino, and digiaid
Provision and exchange of information regarding RTTY contests
C-24 Japan Shortwave Club
・Instruction and public relations on international broadcast reception techniques ・Details and exhibition of DX programs edited by the Japan Shortwave Club ・Introduction to club activities
C-25 Japan D-STAR Users Group
・Introduction to D-STAR
・D-STAR consultations
・D-STAR classes for absolute beginners
・Eyeball meetings
C-26 Nagoya Digital Communications Discussion Group (NDC) and its friends
・Demonstrations, exhibitions, and introductions of D-STAR
・Sales and distribution of D-STAR-related equipment, software, etc.
C-27 Radio Hotspot Expedition
・Sales of parts and advice on battery-free radios
・Exhibition of homemade battery-free radios
・Sale of JJY receiving bar antennas and display of JJY dedicated receivers
・Display of dip meters to see resonance points with magic eyes
・Microwave-related advice - JA3BMH Mikami OM is here!!
・Sale of various goods
・Display and sale of amateur radio equipment
・Sale of RF parts and junk
C-29 Yuyu Ham Club
Radio-related, electronic parts, computer-related, and other related products
C-30 JJ1YQF Radio Life Radio Club
Sale of radio equipment, junk, and various documents, and eyeball QSO
C-31 Penguin Dxers' Ham Club
・Junk sales
・Club introduction
・Award introduction
・Snack sales (sealed ones for sale)
C-32 Kanagawa BCL
A large number of junk items such as used radios, wireless devices, peripherals, and parts are planned
C-33 Vacuum Tube Radio Parts Research Group
Display and sale of vacuum tubes for vacuum tube radios
Display and sale of coils for vacuum tube radios
Display and sale of variable capacitors for vacuum tube radios
Display and sale of vacuum tube radio receivers and vacuum tube amplifiers
Display of QRP homemade works and QRP operation. Distribution of surplus parts, etc.
C-35 Yokohama Aoba Wireless Club
We aim to revitalize the club by introducing the activities of local clubs, mainly in Aoba Ward, Yokohama, and providing a place for new members to join and interact with friends.
Introduction to main activities
  1. Participate in contests organized by JARL and improve results in club competitions
  2. Cooperate with the local emergency communication cooperation association and carry out public trial operations and mobile operations
  3. Participate in the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Aoba Ward and operate a commemorative station and conduct trial communication operations
  4. Improve members' operational skills and manners through regular meetings and study sessions
  5. Improve communication between members through regular on-air meetings
  6. Support JARL station operations at the Kanagawa Field Meeting
  7. Interact with local clubs by participating in local contests such as the Yokohama Contest
C-36 Kuwanomi Ham Club
・Used radios, mobile antennas, measuring instruments, BCL radios
C-37 Emigen Club
Panel display introducing the club, club member QSL display, sale of junk items such as used radios and electronic parts
C-38 QRP Village
Announcement of QRP activities, information exchange, distribution of commemorative gifts, collection of donations
C-39 Visual Communication Club
Announcement of club activities
Sale of junk items
C-40 Fuchu Amateur Radio Club
1. Introduction of Fuchu City and Fuchu Amateur Radio Club (JA1ZGO)
2. Junk items for sale
C-41 Sobu Amateur Radio Club
Used amateur radio equipment and measuring instruments for sale
Used electronic parts, BIRD etc for sale
C-42 Yokohama Seaside Ham Club
Club 40th anniversary exhibition
・Dissemination of know-how on mobile operation, the main activity
・Introduction of recent club activities *Only a small amount will be sold
C-43 Municipal ham staff exchange meeting
Exchange booth for municipal occupational amateur radio clubs
・Introduction of each club's activities
・Interaction between municipal staff
Sale of original amateur radio-related goods such as straps, glowing call sign plates, and station chief's seal
Display and sale of delta loop antennas made by JA1CP
Display and sale of handmade telegraph keys made by JA1CQJ
Sale of other amateur radio-related items
C-45 YOTA and Ham Radio
・Public relations for “YOTA-JAPAN”, a community for young people to train young amateur radio operators
 ・“YOTA-JAPAN” activity report
 ・“YOTA-JAPAN” member recruitment
・Public relations for amateur radio radio program “Ham Radio” by amateur radio operators
 ・Program recording, interviews, and coverage for “Ham Radio”
 ・Interaction with radio listeners
C-46 Outdoor Activities Club
Sale of unwanted and second-hand items (radio-related, PC-related, TV-related, and other electrical-related items)
C-47 Wires Network Communities
WiresX Internet communication system exhibit, C4FM related exhibit, junk sales
C-48 JARL Yokohama Club
Yokohama Club PR and historical exhibit from the beginning
Yokohama Contest news and past prize winners announcement
Introduction of WAY ​​Award (Worked All YOKOHAMA)
Eyeball QSO
C-49 Shinagawa Hanko Club
Homemade equipment, used rigs and parts exhibit and sales, etc.
C-50 Zushi-Hayama Amateur Radio Club
And joint exhibition of the two organizations
〇The exhibit is a joint exhibition of the following three organizations.
 ・Zushi-Hayama Amateur Radio Club (JA1YUU): Zushi-Hayama Amateur Radio Club
 ・Yokosuka-Zushi VE Team: Yokosuka-Zushi VE Team
 ・Shonan Beach FM Amateur Radio Club (JQ1ZLE): Shonan Beach FM Amateur Radio Club
〇Exhibition contents:
 ・Introduction of club activities (ARISS school contact, commemorative station operation, etc.)
 ・Sale of junk, kits, books, Shonan Beach FM goods, etc.
 ・Promotion of Zushi City's 70th anniversary commemorative station (8J1Z)
 ・Commemorative station operation (8J1Z), trial operation (144MHz, 430MHz, 5W)
 ・Promotion of Shonan Beach FM amateur radio girls talk
 ・Conducting US amateur radio qualification exams
C-51 No Sleeping Contest Club (JK1YMM)
・Sale of junk and kits
・Introduction of club activities
Club activity report
C-53 Ham Fair Japanese Telegraph Club
Promotion of Japanese telegraphs
Display of telegraph keys, demonstration operation
Distribution of Japanese station list
C-54 Long Final Ham Club
・Sale of original antenna parts and antennas
・Sale of electronic work kits
・Sale of used radio equipment
C-55 10m FM & PRN
Exhibitions related to the 10m FM band (operation methods, repeaters, and other related information provided), sales of radio equipment and related products, etc.
C-56 7L3MNM and his fun friends.
・Sale of radios, receivers, peripherals, and other items. Interactions with club members and visitors.
C-57 9R-L Club
1. Sales of contest guidebooks
2. Sales of junk items
3. Club activity reports and exhibitions
C-58 Antarctic Alumni Association Amateur Radio Club
Panel exhibitions introducing the activities of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, explanations by former members, distribution of related materials, etc.
Sales of original goods (calendars, badges, tie pins, postcards, etc.) planned and produced by the Antarctic Alumni Association Sales of books and maps related to the Antarctic and Arctic
Operation of the club station (JS1YHB) and issuance of QSL cards from the venue booth
C-59 Japanese Red Cross Kanagawa Radio Emergency Team
Introduction to the activities of the Japanese Red Cross Kanagawa Chapter's Radio Volunteer Corps
Introduction to the activities of the Japanese Red Cross Society (distribution of pamphlets)
Introduction to the activities of the Radio Volunteer Corps (introduction to the website, distribution of QSL cards)
Introduction to emergency communication training activities/volunteer participation Photos
Introduction to the use of WIRES-X
Introduction to the Noto Peninsula earthquake disaster area support (mobile medical treatment) Accompanying the Japanese Red Cross team Photos
C-60 NPO Radio Boys
Distribution of radio kits for beginners such as germanium radios, distribution of junk, public relations for NPO activities
C-61 Yokohama Tsuzuki Amateur Radio Club
Sales of used amateur radios and peripherals, 430MHz MLA sales
C-62 Matsumoto Rugoro and friends
Delivery acceptance by courier (Yu-Pack)
RF connectors, microphone connectors
FRP fishing rods, electronic parts, various junk displays and sales
C-63 Vacuum tube enthusiasts' club
Vacuum tubes, various radios, radios
Electronic parts, various junk displays and sales
C-64 Japan Boy Scouts Amateur Radio Club
・QSL cards for Boy Scouts' special stations (special stations)
・Introduction of activity photos
C-65 Anritsu Atsugi Amateur Radio Club
・Anritsu Atsugi Amateur Radio Club (JE1YEM) Club introduction Annual club activity report
・Exhibition (mobile operation, contest participation, introduction of self-made works, measuring instruments, etc.), panel presentations, etc.
・Eye-to-eye interaction with Ham Fair participants and ON AIR interaction and information exchange
(Planned/under consideration)
Other plans include exchange and distribution of recycled amateur radio-related items
C-66 Watermelon Town Radio Laboratory
Sales of junk items, original antennas, T-MII microphones, and other peripherals
C-67 Enjoying radio in the Reiwa era with zLog and microcomputers
Let's enjoy more contests and field operations with computers!
・zLog demonstration and consultation
・Demonstration and distribution of microcomputer logs suitable for field operation
・Demonstration of the linked operation of zLog and microcomputer logs
・Eyeball meeting
C-68 HKWG & A1 CW Op
Sale of amateur radio and computer parts and distribution of used items
Introduction to the activities of CW A1 OP
C-69 Y's Alumni Association
1. A place for club members who are alumni of Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. to interact
2. Exhibition of amateur radio activities of club members
3. Exhibition of photos of club member activities
4. Interaction with general visitors and technical consultation
A meeting for familiarizing QSOs in Japanese, mainly with American and European hams. An exhibition that focuses on international goodwill and friendship, providing support for overseas operations, introducing the equipment, and providing a place for eye contact
C-71 Radio Crafts Research Group
・Exhibition and sale of members' creations and collections, from Germanium vacuum tube radios to software radios
Exchange of technical information, sale of junk items, etc.
C-72 Sound Creation Research Group
・Display of equipment related to SSB sound creation
・Sale of original kit products, etc.
・Demonstrations and technical consultations
C-73 JARL Tokai Regional Headquarters
・Reports and exchanges on activities of JARL Tokai Regional Headquarters and the four Tokai prefecture branches (Shizuoka, Gifu, Aichi, Mie)
・Introduction of special stations and special commemorative stations
・Consultations on audit guidance, ARISS school contact, D-STAR, etc.
・PR for the 56th Tokai Ham Festival
C-74 A1 CLUB
Demonstrations and distribution of CW-related kits, distribution of club-exclusive items
JO1ZZZ/QRP operation and QSL card issuance, etc.
C-75 International Award Chasers Club
・To promote the fun of amateur radio through the award hunt.
・To display awards issued by each national association and club.
・To issue the limited edition Eyeball Award for Ham Fair 2024 for free.
C-76 Japan Award Hunters Group
Display of issued awards, distribution of award rules, consultation service for questions about awards, sales of QSL card paper, membership fee reception, etc.
C-77 Japan Amateur Radio Association for Dentists
Poster display: Association information, history, activity reports, membership recruitment, etc.
C-78 BCL Chat Room
This exhibit aims to promote BCL (broadcast reception hobby) and to interact with fellow members from all over the country.
We plan to distribute and exhibit used BCL radios, our own creations, and BCL books.
We are also considering fun events such as BCL consultations by veteran BCLs and BCL street sermons.
We welcome all amateur radio operators who would like to restart BCL.
C-79 NPO Dei Kobo
The NPO Dei Kobo supports “children and adults who support children to become familiar with science.” We usually hold science craft classes for local children using original kits and original texts, and programming classes using “strawberry jam.” This exhibition will introduce these activities, as well as display and sell craft kits. We will also sell junk items that we have acquired in the past.
C-80 Hajikko Club
Introduction to club activities, junk sales
C-81 DX Vacation
・Exhibition of overseas operation results (photos, equipment, etc.)
・Examples of how to obtain ham licenses in overseas countries, consultation reception
・Interaction with overseas hams
・Sale of used radio equipment, antennas, etc.
C-82 JA1YDG Alumni Association
・Exhibition and sale of cantenas
・Sale of used antennas
・Sale of used radio equipment
・Sale of used industrial equipment
C-83 Tokai University JA1YHA Alumni Association
・Exhibition of activities
・Exhibition of members' own works
・Sale of junk items
・Eyeball QSO
C-84 Ton2 Course Liaison Meeting
Consultations on telecommunications (CW), etc.
C-85 N-Ham Group
Radio-related junk sales
PC-related junk sales
Social gatherings for club members
C-86 Tokyo Fire Department Alumni Association
・Photos of past activities and more.
C-87 Amateur Kit Creators (AKC)
Original kits designed by members and finished products (radios, measuring instruments, accessories, etc.) will be exhibited and distributed. We hope you will enjoy the fun and excitement of homemade electronics. We have many new products for this year, so please feel free to come.
C-88 Haloharo NET
Sale of amateur radio equipment kits, presentation of club activities
C-89 Ko-Aren+
Joint exhibition by Ibaraki Ko-bunren Radio Division, Kanagawa Ko-bunren Radio Division, and Saitama Ko-bunren Radio Division
Introduction to Ko-Aren activities
Introduction to activities of high school students and juniors nationwide
Exchange between juniors, including high school students nationwide
C-90 Emitta A Club
Information exchange, exchange of unwanted items, junk sales, radio equipment display
C-91 Yoshida Antenna Workshop
・Coaxial pole (homemade) (M) 2 pieces (N) 2 pieces
・Mobile rotator (homemade) 2 pieces
・Swiss quad antenna 430MHz (homemade) x 2
・Swiss quad antenna 1200MHz (homemade) x 2
C-92 JARL Takaoka Club
Takaoka Club Introduction
Various information on Toyama Prefecture and Takaoka City
Takaoka Club magazine back issue DVD distribution (free)
JH9YAA operation
C-93 Matsudo Amateur Radio Club
Club introduction, membership information, radio consultation, unwanted item sales, club radio-related equipment, parts, vacuum tubes, etc., manuals, etc. sales
C-94 Mobil 2000 Project
Special earth sheets for sale
Extra training casts for sale
Special goods for mobile operation for sale
C-95 QSY
Interaction with listeners of amateur radio programs. Selling subminiature tubes. Selling radio kits and radio kits. Selling antenna tuners and antenna kits.
C-96 Yokohama DX Club
Introducing club activities through panels and selling junk items
C-97 SatNOW & Cascas
Disclosure of related technologies and information exchange with satellite communication enthusiasts and municipal hunters.
C-98 Electro-Communications University Club
The Electro-Communications University Club offers a wide range of handmade items needed for amateur radio operation, such as antennas and baluns! We receive positive feedback from our customers every time we sell our items. We also sell consumables such as vinyl tape, self-fusing tape, low-ball, and harness tape individually and in bulk at low prices. We also have a wide variety of other items, such as Morse code CDs that can be used to prepare for the General Communications Engineer Exam or to practice listening to Morse code, and cute tote bags with fabric prints. Please stop by!
C-99 Nagoya Technical College Amateur Radio Club Alumni Association
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Nagoya Technical College Alumni Association. To commemorate the 70th anniversary, alumni who are active as electrical, electronic, and communication engineers across the country will gather at the Tokyo Ham Fair to deepen their friendship and sell equipment used for amateur radio (radio devices, telegraph keys, etc.).
・Introduction to the rules for the Tama River Contest (held in November)
・Sale of amateur radio equipment and junk
・Speed-typing contest for short dots
・Interaction between club members
C-101 Nakano DIY Research Group
Exhibition of homemade rigs, research presentations and distribution of materials, sale of radio-related equipment
C-102 SUR Workshop
・Exhibition and sale of homemade (original telegraph keys)
・Sale of junk amateur radio equipment
C-103 Tokyo Bay HMC, JG1KDZ, 7M3NRB and friends
JF1ZIU Tokyo Bay Ham Club (representative JL1HHN), JK1KHT (Kiba), JG1KDZ (Tokida), 7M3NRB (Gunji), JJ1VHH (Suzuki) and friendly club PR and exhibitions, exchange of unwanted items (junk, recycling), goods sales, etc.
Information exchange with visitors and distribution of items brought by members/unwanted/junk items
C-105 Japan Hinatabokko Club
・Introducing awards issued by our club
・Consultation on mobile operation
・Consultation on hQSL, Turbo HAMLOG
・Sale of junk items
・As a meeting place
C-106 JARL Tokyo Branch
・Report on activities with volunteers from the branch and registered clubs who cooperate with events.
・Strive to increase membership by promoting the JARL Tokyo branch.
・Provide a place to meet new friends.
・Make eye contact with those who regularly communicate by radio and deepen friendships.
C-107 Digital Mode DX Group
Activities to promote the all-time popular digital modes (FT8 and other digital modes). Accepting technical consultations on everything from introduction to various operations. Our group aims to promote the healthy spread of digital modes by distributing materials and spreading awareness of operation etiquette and rules. We also accept requests and provide consultations on digital mode promotion (technical) at our Ham Fair booth and at JARL branch conventions (gatherings) around the country. (Available nationwide upon request)
C-108 SHC
Old radio equipment display, junk items for sale
C-109 DX Radio
Germanium radio display
C-110 Tsunashima Junk Goods Club
In addition to privately owned junk items, used broadcasting equipment is also on sale
C-111 Ham Friends' Oasis
■Used amateur radio equipment and parts for sale
■Crystal radio display
■Old radio equipment display
■Junk items for sale
■Introduction and sale of homemade antennas
C-112 FM Parurun AMC
Community FM in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture Public recording of radio programs “CQ ham for girls”, “OM's Round QSO” and “Beam Antenna” broadcast on FM Parururun.
Display of remote operation equipment and 10G transmitter/receiver.
C-113 Microwave Meeting Organizing Committee
・Promotion of the microwave meeting held every year (this year on November 17, 2024)
・Sale of back issues of the Microwave Meeting Proceedings
・Eyeball QSOs and information exchange between microwave enthusiasts
・Sale of microwave-related equipment, parts, and other junk items
C-114 JARL Kansai Regional Headquarters
Promotion of the JARL Kansai Regional Headquarters and the Kansai Amateur Radio Festival
C-115 Tokyo Microwave Club
・Exhibition and presentation of activities
・Sale of used and junk items
C-116 Uenohara Amateur Radio Club
Wire, crimp terminals, radios, junk electrical equipment
C-117 H&C Ham Club
・Display of linear amplifiers from various manufacturers (SPE, ACOM, OM power, etc.)
・Display of SDR transceivers
・Junk sales
C-118 Birdhouse
AC line noise filters, isolation noise cut transformers, BIRD power meters, high-frequency amplifier parts, high-frequency AMPs, vacuum relays, coaxial SPDs (lightning arresters)
C-119 JLRS
①JLRS, WAKABA support, YLCQDay activity reports
②Announcement and distribution of awards, contests, etc.
③Eye contact with area members
④JA1YWM/1 operations
C-120 Top Gun Club
Display of Top Gun Club Net annual rankings, awards, etc. 1KW station opening consultation. Radio interference countermeasure consultation. Top Gun Club activity announcement.
C-121 JAMSAT Japan Amateur Satellite Communications Association
Display of JAMSAT (Japan Amateur Satellite Communications Association). Display of a model of the ultra-small wooden artificial satellite LignoSat (Kyoto University). Display of a 5.7GHz beacon station. Display of the rotator used in the VK9QO expedition (sales available). IO-117 reception demonstration. Ten-Koh 2:4FSK (38.4kbps) reception demonstration.
C-122 JA-EME Group
Activity reports, distribution of materials, sale of junk items
C-123 Hydrangea Radio Club
Radios and others
C-124 PRUG
・Introduction of small TNC using ESP32, M5, RaspberryPi, etc., distribution of boards
・Introduction of One Chip QRP radio for TNC, distribution of boards
・Introduction of One Chip 4Band QRP radio, distribution of boards
・Exhibition and making of nostalgic TNC
・Exhibition and sale of mainly packet communication related materials and equipment (including junk items)
C-125 Radio program QRL
Community FM broadcasting Promotion of the radio program QRL broadcast on FM Nishitokyo
Interaction with program listeners, recording of short comments, distribution of program goods, etc.
Sales of junk items, used items, etc.
C-126 Hams having fun at Mac
Introducing Mac ham software and how to enjoy ham radio using a Mac (booklet for sale).
Sales of junk, unnecessary items, and parts (relays, switches, op-amps, other semiconductors, wires, etc. planned).
C-127 TR Radio Research Group
Distribution of electronic parts, radio equipment, ramen, etc. (Hokkaido products)
C-128 MLA48・YMC
MLA (magnetic loop antenna) main unit, peripherals, measuring instruments, panel display, etc.
C-129 ASMC Atsugi Skymate Club
Sales of radio equipment, etc. with the aim of promoting friendship among club members and raising awareness of amateur radio.
C-130 Trio Club
This club provides a place for Trio and Kenwood alumni, as well as current JVC Kenwood employees, to gather and relax. The walls will be decorated with the Trio and Kenwood logos. QSL cards of the members will also be posted.
・Providing a DXer meeting space.
(Anyone interested in DX. You might meet someone you didn't expect.)
・Information and consultation on recruiting new members.
(A nationwide DX club. There might be a member in your neighborhood.)
・DX operation consultation.
(We will help you solve your questions, including FT8.)
・Providing DX information.
・Information and consultation on DXCC.
C-132 Nessie Ham Club
・Displaying the club flag
・“Amateur Radio and Peace” exhibition
・Eyeball meeting
・Exchange of parts and other items
C-133 3757/7195kc AM Club
Presentation of HF-AM transceivers and related homemade products, exchange of opinions, and technical exchange. (JR1KQU)
C-134 National CW Club
・Poster display related to club activities
・Interaction with CW fans
・Distribution of membership information and club newsletters
C-135 Cosmowave Amateur Radio Club
・Exhibition of homemade antennas
・Sale of used and junk items
C-136 POTA Japan Volunteer Association
Public relations activities for POTA (Park On The Air)
Interaction between POTA (Park On The Air) users
C-137 CBCN
Introduction of license-free radio (citizen radio, specific low-power radio, digital simple radio registered station, digital low-power community radio) by amateur radio operators. Providing a place for CBers to interact and exchange information. Distribution of the club newsletter AIR TALK. Sales of junk items. Joint exhibition with JQ1ZDK and other ham clubs.
C-138 Edomae Information Department
Sales of doujinshi published by our club.
Sales of used and junk items.
C-139 JARL Ibaraki Branch
(1) Introduction to Ibaraki Branch activities
(2) Introduction to clubs registered with the Ibaraki Branch
(3) Providing a place for interaction and resting areas
(4) Promoting tourism in Ibaraki (distributing pamphlets, selling local products)
(5) Displaying and selling your own products
C-140 Higashimatsuyama Amateur Radio Club
Club activity display/presentation
Balun sales
Junk item sales
C-141 JARL Chugoku Regional Headquarters
・Exchange information with JARL members and other members of the public living in the Chugoku region and accept opinions.
・Report on the current situation and activities of the JARL Chugoku Regional Headquarters and accept opinions.
C-142 Soshigaya Ham Engineering
○ Answering questions about the vector network analyzer ziVNAu (DZV-1).
○ Answering inquiries about S-parameter measurement technology.
○ Selling junk RF parts.
C-143 VoIP Link Study Group
・Exhibition of DMR digipeater (exhibition of DMR digipeater and radio equipment, provision of related information)
・Information exchange
C-144 KWG Ham Club
Used radio equipment, junk, used antenna sales, etc.
C-145 6mAM Roll Call Group
・Introduction of 6mAM roll calls in various regions, activity reports, exhibitions
・Distribution of pamphlets summarizing activities (paper and electronic files)
・Exhibition of homemade equipment
・Interaction between 6mAM enthusiasts
・Sale of junk
C-146 ARDF (treasure hunt with radio waves)
Promote the spread of ARDF, develop young people and promote the health of OTs.
・Promotion of the fun of ARDF (introduction of overseas and domestic competitions through photos, diorama display)
・Technical explanation (explaining ARDF receivers, ANT directivity measurement, etc.)
・Experience direction finding at 2m and 80m
・Sale of ARDF goods
C-147 Tanaka Family Club
Amateur radio equipment
C-148 Natori Amateur Radio Club
Radio equipment junk sales, used computer sales, radio parts sales
C-149 6m laundry net
Sale of mobile operation goods, used radios, peripherals (accessories), antennas, blank cards, electronic parts
C-150 Yamate BCL Club
Exhibition and sale of antique radio and communication equipment
C-151 Three Diamond Net
・Materials introducing activities of Mitsubishi Group Company Ham Club
・Introduction of technical research by club members (distribution of materials)
・Introducing club members through photo panels and other displays
・Sale of junk and experimental materials, etc.
C-152 ex JI2SSP Hiraoka Mamoru Fan Club
・Amateur radio and disaster prevention
・Prepare in advance and connect.
・Think about the strengths of amateur radio operators.
・Can you hold your water and toilet during a water outage?
C-153 Japan APRS eXperiment
Introduction to APRS, display and explanation of APRS-compatible devices, distribution of APRS-related materials
C-154 Nishitokyo Network
Amateur radio-related junk market
C-155 Team Watamai
Amateur radio singer-songwriter Watanabe Maiko, or “Watamai” for short, is waiting for you at the Ham Fair venue. CDs, merchandise sales, instant photo sessions, lottery, QSOs, instant issuance of QSL cards, and more.
C-156 Mountains and Radio
Introduction of the doujinshi “Mountains and Radio” and distribution of the printed version.
Report on the results of “Mountains and Radios All-At-Once Movement” and a preview of the next issue.
Introducing the new “Mountain Mobility Ranking News” (Yamaran) and recruiting members.
Exhibiting photos of mountain mobility and introducing operation tools.
C-157 Crayfish Club
・Exhibition and distribution of memory keyers, voice memories and original works
・Exchange of information on amateur radio equipment, peripheral devices and mobile operation
・Introduction of club activities
・Sale of fanzines (activity records)
・Sale of junk items
C-158 Miyazaki University Radio Club (JA6YBR)
・A place for alumni and current students to meet and share their latest news
・A place for exchanging ideas and interacting with universities in the Kyushu region and other universities
・Miyazaki University Radio Club activity report and exhibition (regular activities, commemorative station operation, YOTA/6)
・A place for introducing and exchanging ideas about the 6m beacon (50.017MHz) that has been in operation for over 35 years
・Sales of radio-related items (second-hand, junk, homemade, etc.)
C-159 Shinkoshikai Radio Club
・Holy Land Pilgrimage QRV
・Optical transceiver development
・Optical transceivers (FTR102, FTR105)
・Yagiuda 5-element antenna (FYU4355)
・Small logbook



B-Business Corner

B-01 Japan Amateur Radio Association
・Information on training courses (including e-learning)
・Information on amateur radio station guarantee services, etc.
B-02 Kanto Reception Environment Clean Council
○Setting up a consultation desk for reception problems with TVs, radios, and various wireless devices
○Display of related posters
○Free distribution of promotional goods from TV and radio companies
B-03 Dempa Shimbunsha Co., Ltd.
・Free distribution of the Daily Dempa Shimbun
・Sale of books and magazines published by Dempa Shimbunsha
・Sale of development products such as game equipment, etc.
B-04 Onoue Printing Co., Ltd.
・Orders/displays/sales of QSL cards
・Sale of our own products
B-05 Lusseau Japan Co., Ltd.
Display of CRANK-UP tower related products
B-06 CQ Publishing Co., Ltd.
Display and sale of amateur radio related books, magazines, equipment (telephone keys, antennas, etc.), and original goods
B-07 Ham Shop McCoy Nishinippon Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sale of amateur radio equipment
Sale of original products
Sale of second-hand goods
B-08 QCQ Planning Co., Ltd.
Educational business for obtaining national qualifications
(Correspondence course for first-class amateur radio operator and first-class land radio operator, third- and fourth-class amateur radio operator, second- and third-class land
Training course seminars and e-learning courses for special radio operators)
B-09 Radio Plaza Aoe
.Exhibition of convenient software that supports WIRES-X operation, and exhibition and sale of items that display the software.
.Exhibition and sale of surveillance camera equipment.
.Exhibition and sale of drones.
B-10 Sankei Koshinsha Co., Ltd. A4 Maniacs Division
Display of QSL card designs and printing / Call sign stamps, name tags, call sign plates,
Display of genuine leather straps / Various logbooks, QSL card storage boxes, envelopes for collecting QSL cards and verification cards
Set sales / Proposal of data output and shipping service for QSL cards
B-11 GHD Key Co., Ltd.
Display and sale of keys and related equipment for amateur radio
B-12 Kojinsha Co., Ltd.
KA1 series (amateur radio multi-band YAGI antenna) and KP-1 (power meter), etc.
B-13 Handcrafters Co., Ltd.
Sales of computers, walkie-talkies, and radios - promoting our business activities
B-14 Lumica Co., Ltd.
We will be exhibiting and selling a tripod rod that can be extended up to 11.5m and can be used for installing antennas, etc.
B-15 T&M Corporation
Electronic measuring equipment (oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, power supplies, signal generators, etc.)
B-16 FTI Corporation
・Sales of used parts
・Consultation on registration inspection work
B-17 Comet Corporation
Exhibition of amateur radio peripherals and antenna measurement equipment
B-18 CQ Ohm Corporation
・Exhibition/sale of radio equipment
・Exhibition/sale of radio-related products
・Display/sale of original products
B-19 Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd.
*HF transceivers, C4FM digital transceivers, FM transceivers, other related peripherals



D-JAIA Corner

D-01 Icom Inc.
Display/demonstration of amateur radio equipment
D-02 JVC Kenwood Corporation
Display and viewing of amateur radio equipment manufactured and sold by our company.
D-03 Japan Amateur Radio Equipment Association
Introduction of JAIA and member companies
D-04 Azden Co., Ltd.
Headsets for communication devices
Linear amplifiers
D-05 Daiichi Denpa Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Amateur radio peripherals display
D-06 Alinco Inc. Electronics Division
Display of amateur radio and license-free related radio equipment, receivers, various power supplies and accessories
D-07 AOR Corporation
① Exhibiting SDR receivers handled by our company
 (Hardware and software from AOR/Microtelecom Perseus/AIRSPY)
② Introduction to our EC shop AOR Direct and selling our products at special Ham Fair prices