


47th_ann_en [2024/12/06 12:46] – 作成 Tana JH1HST47th_ann_en [2025/01/18 17:01] (現在) Tana JH1HST
行 13: 行 13:
 ===== Date ===== ===== Date =====
- 23 Aug 2024 (Sat) 10:00 - 17:00 JST (UTC+9) \\ + 23 Aug 2025 (Sat) 10:00 - 17:00 JST (UTC+9) \\ 
- 24 Aug 2024 (Sun) 10:00 - 15:30 JST (UTC+9) \\+ 24 Aug 2025 (Sun) 10:00 - 15:30 JST (UTC+9) \\
  \\  \\
行 30: 行 30:
 {{url>https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1AoJbgV1xz11AtWJPaUOA1ufOoeN7R0Y&ehbc=2E312F}} {{url>https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1AoJbgV1xz11AtWJPaUOA1ufOoeN7R0Y&ehbc=2E312F}}
 +\\ If the MAP is not displayed due to communication problems, please reload the page (F5).If the map still does not appear, please refer to the "Official Access Guide". \\
 {{:46th:gymex_road.png|}} \\ {{:46th:gymex_road.png|}} \\
行 36: 行 37:
  \\  \\
 ===== Nearby Info ===== ===== Nearby Info =====
- 3-kitchen cars and a rest area will be available at the venue, but there are also facilities such as Ariake Garden and Arena Cafe around GYM-EX\\ + Kitchen cars and a rest area will be available at the venue in plan.
- Please consider the surrounding facilities when making plans for food and beverages.+ There are also facilities such as Ariake Garden and Arena Cafe around GYM-EX. Please consider the surrounding facilities when making plans for food and beverages.
  \\  \\
行 46: 行 47:
  Admission fee for one;  Admission fee for one;
- General ticket:3000 JPY \\+ General ticket:2000 JPY \\
  JARL Member(Need show membership card):1000 JPY \\  JARL Member(Need show membership card):1000 JPY \\
  Disability certificate:1000 JPY (*)\\  Disability certificate:1000 JPY (*)\\
  • 47th_ann_en.1733456773.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/12/06 12:46
  • by Tana JH1HST