


46th_stage_en [2024/06/26 11:26] – 作成 Tana JH1HST46th_stage_en [2024/08/06 14:54] (現在) Tana JH1HST
行 3: 行 3:
 ====== Stage Information ====== ====== Stage Information ======
-"Main Stage" and "Satellite Stage".+"Main Stage" and "Satellite Stage". 
 +The following are planned. (in Japanese)
  \\  \\
行 12: 行 14:
 ** <fs x-large>Main stage</fs>**  ** <fs x-large>Main stage</fs>** 
-Planning-----+Please check the Information [[https://www.jarl.org/Japanese/1_Tanoshimo/1-3_Ham-Fair/2024/Ham-Fair-info.htm|Events section of the JARL page]].(in Japanese) 
 + \\
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
行 20: 行 24:
 ** <fs x-large>Satellite Stage</fs>**  ** <fs x-large>Satellite Stage</fs>** 
-Planning-----+**24 Aug(Sat)** 
 +| 10:50 | (St.) | 
 +| 11:00 | Tenko 2 satellite JAMSAT-developed transponders and other amateur radio services | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 11:30 | DMR Digipeter Introduction | 
 +| 11:45 | DX contest op situation from Japan + α | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 12:15 | Easy and enjoyable U-QRP operation ~1mW at 1/200 of the world | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 12:45 | Contests Enjoyed with Easy Facilities | 
 +| 13:00 | Real talk "Amateur Radio Girls Talk" | 
 +| 13:15 | Enjoyment of overseas travel-type operations | 
 +| 13:30 | How to operate in some contest   | 
 +| 13:45 | Cheer for newcomers and re-opening stations. | 
 +| 14:00 | The winners of the contest of their own works | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 14:30 | JAMSAT 2023 Comm and HF operations using QO-100 to Territory of Cocos | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 15:00 | N5J Javis Island and FT8 SuperFox New Mode | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 15:30 | JK1ZIP and experience station operations to develop digital talent | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 16:00 | Let's lecture on the technical skills of Japanese amateur radio operators to kids | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 16:30 | (Close.) | 
 + \\ 
 +**25 Aug(Sun)** 
 +| 10:50 | (Pre.) | 
 +| 11:00 | "QRV in front of station" to enjoy both radio and rail | 
 +| 11:15 | Another Form of Apaman Ham Introduction of Remote Operation | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 11:45 | 8J4S,8J4N Relay Memorial Station to connect hearts with friends | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 12:15 | The Potential of Community Radio | 
 +| 12:30 | End of Life for Hams | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 13:00 | FTR Series (Optical Comm Project) | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 13:30 | FTR104 (Optical music transceiver) | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 14:00 | Presentation the winners of the Idea Contest for Improving the Attractiveness of Amateur Radio | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 14:30 | YouTuber Introduction | 
 +| |    |       | 
 +| 15:00 | (Close.) | 
 + \\
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
  • 46th_stage_en.1719368771.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/06/26 11:26
  • by Tana JH1HST