


46th_note_v_en [2024/06/25 18:42] – 作成 Tana JH1HST46th_note_v_en [2024/06/26 12:12] (現在) – [Notes for Participants] Tana JH1HST
行 1: 行 1:
 +[ [[side_en|^ ENGLISH MENU]] ]
 ====== Notes for Participants ====== ====== Notes for Participants ======
 +To all **Participants**
 <WRAP center round info 98%> <WRAP center round info 98%>
 【Changes from the previous】 \\ 【Changes from the previous】 \\
-・The admission for JARL members with a membership discount is now a flat rate of 1,000 yen for men and women. \\+・The admission for JARL members with a membership discount is now a flat rate of 1,000 JPY for men and women. \\
 ・The venue is GYM-EX. \\ ・The venue is GYM-EX. \\
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ===== Dangerous behavior ===== ===== Dangerous behavior =====
-  * 周囲への迷惑や危険になるもの(大きな着ぐるみ、ハリボテ、大型装備など)の会場内での使用はご遠慮ください。 +  * Please refrain from using items in the venue that may disturb or endanger others (large stuffed animals/form, haribo, large equipment, etc.). 
-  * 火器、刃物、危険物などの持ち込み、違法物などの持ち込みもできません。 +  * Firearms, knives, dangerous items, and illegal items are not allowed. 
-  * その他、主催や現場警備などにて何か判断または危険と指摘された場合、入場をご遠慮または退場いただくことがあります。+  * If the organizer or on-site security determines that the event is dangerous, you may be asked to leave the venue or not to enter.
  \\  \\
  • 46th_note_v_en.1719308562.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/06/25 18:42
  • by Tana JH1HST