


46th_ebparty_en [2024/08/05 02:35] – 作成 Tana JH1HST46th_ebparty_en [2024/08/06 09:53] (現在) Tana JH1HST
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 ====== Eye-ball Party (First night party) ====== ====== Eye-ball Party (First night party) ======
-Now planing+ "Eyeball party" will be held after the events of Hamfair first-day. \\ 
 +Participants will have the opportunity to meet and communicate with each other over food and beverages. \\ 
 +If you would like to common participate, please confirm and send us the form at the bottom of this page. \\ 
 +  \\ 
 +DATE: 24 Aug (Sat) 17:45 Open 18:00-19:30 Party  \\ 
 +Venue: Tokyo Big-Sight West Exhibition Hall 1F front "Eat it" \\ 
 +Common fee:6000JPY(inc tax , Pay on day) \\ 
 +*Tickets for participation will be sold on the first day of Hamfair at the "Center" in GYM-EX venue.\\ 
 +For inquiries, please contact JARL General Affairs Division TEL:(Jp)03-3988-8741 E-mail:soumu@jarl.org \\ 
 +  \\ 
 +<fs x-large>About "Eat iT"</fs> \\ 
 +[[https://www.bigsight.jp/organizer/floormap/1f.html|Tokyo Big-Sight Map is here]]. \\ 
 +Main entrance photo: \\ 
 +{{:46th:eatit.jpg|}} \\ 
 +  \\ 
 +===== Pre-Registration Form ===== 
 +<fc #d84274><fs x-large>※Please register in advance.</fs></fc> \\ 
 + We will confirm your application in advance due to seating availability. \\ 
 +Tickets will be sold on the day of the event, but there are various preparations to be made.so if you are considering attending and plan to attend if no circumstances arise, please fill in and send us the form to confirm your attendance in advance. Please cooperate with us by filling in and submitting the form. If you forgot to register. 
 +Action mail hamfaircom@gmail.com 
 +Thanks "Thank you for submit form." 
 +Fieldset "Your info" 
 +Textbox  "Callsign" "=XXNXXX, fill NONE/NoCall if you have not" 
 +Textbox  "Your Name" 
 +email "Your eMail" 
 +textbox "Note etc" ! 
 +static "*Required" 
 +submit "Submit" 
  • 46th_ebparty_en.1722792949.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/08/05 02:35
  • by Tana JH1HST