


両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
46th_ann_en [2024/06/25 17:26] – [前売券] Tana JH1HST46th_ann_en [2024/08/05 02:28] (現在) – [Nearby Facilities Info] Tana JH1HST
行 1: 行 1:
 【[[top|△Top]]】 【[[top|△Top]]】
 +[ [[side_en|^ ENGLISH MENU]] ]
 ====== 46th Hamfair event information ====== ====== 46th Hamfair event information ======
行 32: 行 33:
 {{url>https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1AoJbgV1xz11AtWJPaUOA1ufOoeN7R0Y&ehbc=2E312F}} {{url>https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1AoJbgV1xz11AtWJPaUOA1ufOoeN7R0Y&ehbc=2E312F}}
 +{{:46th:gymex_road.png|}} \\
 +Note: Cars needs to follow blue line. Don't on red line road.
  \\  \\
 +===== Nearby Info =====
 + 3-kitchen cars and a rest area will be available at the venue, but there are also facilities such as Ariake Garden and Arena Cafe around GYM-EX. \\ 
 + Please consider the surrounding facilities when making plans for food and beverages.
 + \\
 ===== Ticket(admission arrangements) ===== ===== Ticket(admission arrangements) =====
行 51: 行 63:
 Launching on **July 10, 2024** in Japan. Launching on **July 10, 2024** in Japan.
-チケットぴあ一般1800円(Pコード:994819) +T-piaGeneral one 1800 JPY (P code: 994819) - [[http://t.pia.jp/sp/inbound/faq.html|How to P]]
- +
-ハムフェア会場入口の前売券交換窓口にて当日の券とお引き換えください。+Please exchange your ticket for the day's ticket at the advance ticket exchange counter at the entrance of event venue.
  • 46th_ann_en.1719303967.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2024/06/25 17:26
  • by Tana JH1HST